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Project Summary

Space Sci-Fi Lab is a original single player cooperative level intended for an Outer World Side quest experience. Gameplay includes traversal elements (walking, jumping), and the ability to shoot (to replicate the experience of an Outer Worlds FPS experience. Players will navigate through the modular scifi lab, exploring the various spaces provided. No other gameplay elements besides cover and placement of Health pack models are shown in-game



A retired Scientist (as seen in the Outer Worlds series), Lileen had recently grown concerned and worried about her friend Tallen, a fellow human scientist who’d been working with a renounced mad Scientist named Dolan Miers (he). It was said that he’d last been experimenting on a very dangerous project and Lileen decided to step down from the project as well as retire as a scientist for her safety. Lileen’s more naïve friend Tallen, however didn’t see the danger initially..


Level Features:

  • FPS Gameplay

  • Modular Lab Wall Mesh Blockout

  • Particle FX

  • Lighting & Post Processing

  • Decal Addition

  • Environmental Storytelling

Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Platform: PC
Dev Time: 22hrs- 4 days(2021)


Design Goals

  • Blockout Line of Sight using Modular Lab meshes

  • Created Compelling Landmarks

  • Create Recursive Path

  • Create FPS/RPG gameplay intended for Outerworlds or Fallout experience.


Blockout Images


Creating a space that told a story, had an occurrence, but most importantly included gameplay akin to something with cover and necessary spaces to explore.

  • I had to make a decisive decision behind what asset packs I wanted to use as my Unreal Engine project couldn’t open the entire project initially. This made my decision for environment/story constructive to be much more purposeful. Eventually I began to just migrate assets from a blank project to allow myself to use as many assets I needed of the five included.

  • To define my level scope, I had to decide between two or three rooms. Ultimately, I arrived at two large to medium sized rooms, and married the idea of my third room instead being a Hallway. I decided to let the player walk past the area still get the general story of my level and its environment. To make my space also feel larger I added a couple of inaccessible areas within my level. For the sake of the environmental narrative, I decided to make one small inaccessible area, accessible.

  • Lighting the place appropriately to distinguish two different moods within my environment in my world was the final challenge. Making sure the “Why” of where my light came from and that it felt natural was a heavy focus for lighting.

Solo Projects

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